and News
[Update 11-8-2018]
Well I have gone and done it. I made a decision to join the modern era, and I'm now able to 3D design and print objects. My first efforts is my new version of my Bandoleer Greeblies, and the next item will be a new Bunker Buster AKA Proton Grenade, so stay tuned! I am also working on some Jeep parts, a few new helmets to fill in my collection and even a full size 3D printed R2 unit. If you need something 3D printed, let me know, and I bet I can help you out.

and News
[Update 7-27-18]
A big "Thank you!" to everyone for your support. Currently, I am having some supply issues thats causing some delays getting orders out. So if you have ordered from me in the last month or so, please be patient, I am working on your orders as fast as I can.
In the meantime, please visit some of the links on this sidebar. They help support this fan site. Thanks again!
and News
[Update 11-8-2017]
What a crazy Summer. I've been working on the largest prop replica ever. A Jurassic Park Jeep! Still tweaking it, but for now here is a build log.

After a long time looking for a Ramsey REP6000 winch, that was used on the movie Jeeps, I decided to just make a static replica.

Lots of other projects too! I now have a small 3D printer, and I've been learning some things about 3d printing. I have some new molds I used the 3d printer to create the patterns from. New Bandoleer greeblies, and new x-wing rocker switches.
and News
[Update 1-20-2017]
It's been a while since I last updated the page. Yes, I'm still alive and kicking, Due to so many requests during that time, I've decided I'm dusting off the old E-11 /L2A3 Sterling kit, and even putting together some new stuff so stay tuned. My Commando Blaster molds, out of stock,again. As funds permit, I'll be reworking them and the Bunker Buster kit and the I even have a few surprises... lets just say, a heavy project in the works. Email me for details.
and News
[Update 4-5-2016]
It's been a while since I last updated the page. Yes, I'm still alive and kicking, just life has been a bit busy as of late, and I've finally just gotten back into the studio after several years on hiatus. Due to so many requests during that time, I've decided I'm dusting off the old E-11 /L2A3 Sterling kit, and even putting together some new stuff so stay tuned. I Just redid my Commando Blaster molds, and can now offer a very limited run of these again. As funds permit, I'll be reworking the Bunker Buster kit and the I even have a few surprises... lets just say, a heavy project in the works. Email me for details.
and News
[Update 9-25-2014]
I'm still using this page! I have been trying out Google's Blogger. Click here to visit the the new Update Page. All updates are over there now. I'm ot realy happy with that site, so for now I'm not doing much over there either.
and News
[Update 6-June-2011]
I'm still using this page! I have been trying out Google's Blogger. Click here to visit the the new Update Page. All updates are over there now.
and News
[Update 7-June-2010]
To simplify the updates on this page, I am starting to use a blog format. Blogger to be specific. I'm trying to migrate some things now, but to preview the blog, check it out : click here I hope to have all the migration done this summer. The net result will be more frequent updates, and better management of the content on this site. I'm trying to get more time making stuff instead of working on this site's new look, and I think this tool will help me do this. At least, the blog aspect of this site. Please, take a look, and give me some feedback on what you think. I'm having some formatting issues right now, so the videos don't display the way I want them to.
and News
[Update 2-April-2010]
Then end is
here. Well, at least for some of my molds are concerned. The
6-piece resin kits I've been offering of the Sterling L2A3 parts,
are now gone. The molds are dead, and I do no plan on offering
them again. I still have the original parts that I can use to
make new molds from but unless the situation changes,
I can not afford to remake the molds. Thanks to everyone who
has ordered these kits from me in the past. I knew this day would
come and it makes me sad. Maybe, if the economy picks up, I can
afford to remake some new molds, who knows.
At the same
time, I realized I am out of RFT kits set aside for the finished
helmets. I am no longer taking orders on the finished helmets,
except for special order only. Thanks to everyone who ordered
a finished helmet from me over the past few years. The RFT kits
will be available for a while longer, or as long as I can keep
making them, but the finished helmets are no more. I hope everyone
understands. And if the Rebel Legion needs me to, I can step
back in and do some more, but for now, I am out of the game.
and News
[Update 26-JANUARY-2010]
I've been really
busy with some badly needed home improvement
projects since my last update. We had a storm that cause our
roof to leak, so we have been working with our insurance to get
this fixed. That lead to a new hot water heater and some other
issues. Finally I got that mess taken care of. 2010 I hope is
better than 2009. It looks like I'm out of the Endor Commando
Donut Decals and I don't know if I can get any more made or not.
I'm working on that right now, but my vinyl decal guy is kind
of hard to get to respond to my emails.
And my supplier
of Wells MR722 airsoft guns no longer list's them as available.
I may have found another supplier but my cost is going to double
if I have to use them. Not sure I'm going to be able to provide
these much longer. My E-11 molds are pretty badly worn and I'm
down to my last couple of sets, so I'm not planning on making
any more for a while. I know some of this sounds like bad news, but
it really is just a good way to reassess what my core projects
should be. Time for me to focus on the fan film once again, and
get the last few props ready for this. Including the resin lewis
gun project and some camera equipment. I still have a working
vacuum form machine, and most of the molds for the RFT helmets,
Commando Donuts, and some surviving TK armor, so I can still
offer these parts as needed. Lots more work to be done.
and News
[Update 26-NOVEMBER-2009]
I've been reworking
a few molds, and the first one is the thermal detonator control
panel. My old mold just did not hold up well, and I had been
getting a few requests to make it available in a format that
could be used for a sandtrooper back pack part. So, now, I have
a new, limited run of these version 2.0 TD control panels that
the user can customize for their specific needs. These will be
offered as a kit that you simply trim out. Check it out on the
catalog page.

Any US orders
placed after December 11, I can not guarantee delivery before
Christmas. International orders, the deadline for Christmas delivery
is December 7.
and News
[Update 01-OCTOBER-2009]
I've been working
on some additional RFT helmet kits, and a few new surprizes. Reminder: any order placed after October 15, I cannot guarantee delivery before Halloween, October 31.
Recent News
[Update 09-JUNE-2009]
I've been working
on some Endor/Hoth back pack parts, as per requested from a Rebel
Legion member, Lonescout. Here is a sneak peek at the part:

and some more pics of the part, from left to right, sample from
Lonescout, the pattern, mold [back]and test castings:
If anyone is
interested in these, please let me know. Lonescout is planning
a limited run of packs, and I will be offering these tube assemblies.
In addition, I've been reworking the ear molds for the Endor
Commando soft cap, as per requested from Donna at the Sunrider
Base. These will be formed in a thinner plastic, with a deeper
edge molding detail. I should have these ready to deliver in
a few weeks.
The fan film
is on Summer hiatus, and I don't know when we will get back to
work on it. Much of these current projects are 'back water' items
we could use on the film, and with some other productions down
the road.
I'm also working
on some 1/6th scale projects. The big one is the GIjOE ATV. Here
is a sneak peek:


Notice the
soft edge details. Thats something I'm having to work out, and
thats causing a big delay. I've already made the hand rails,
and now Cotswold is selling their own reproductions! Next up
is a set of replacement wheels!
Finally, I'm
reworking the catalog page with some updated products. Catalog
Page. Oh, and I'm now on Twitter. Follow me here.
[Update 06-APRIL-2009]
I've been busy
reworking the Endor Commando blaster molds, and have started
casting the first run requested by the Endor Bunker. The first
half of this order should go out this week. Man, these kits take
a lot of resin! I ran out, using two gallons of material on 6
kits. I way underestimated the amount of materials not only the
resin, but the silicone as well. Oh well. For now, there is a
sign-up list for slots in the second run. You can get on the
list here: http://movies.groups.yahoo.com/group/endorbunker/ [note:
membership is required to access the sign-up page. Contact farfel51@hotmail.com for registration details.] If we can't fill the second run of
10, I will start offering the kits through the catalog page this
Summer. Right now, it's an exclusive for the Endor Bunker members,
and anyone wanting to join their ranks.
In addition,
I've been moving some things around, and getting organized. And
this month Herb and I plan to do some filming for the Last
This may be the last time we get a chance to finish up the critical
live action sequences for a while. We are going to try and film
on April 18, assuming the weather cooperates. Herb has enlisted
the help of the SFA
Film School students for help in these action
packed sequences. I'll be involved as a technical advisor, camera
operator, prop and costume provider, and maybe, just maybe a
cameo role. We had to cut out some scenes, and scale back the
scope of the project, mainly due to conflicting schedules and
money. The good news is, I hope to have some footage to work
with, as Herb is working on his own vision of the film. We will
end up sharing the CGI footage for both versions.
I'm still working
on the Adventure Team 6-wheel ATV project in 1/6th scale. I've
been trying to get these other projects out of the way first.
the way, you can find me on Facebook.
Recent Updates
[Update 06-MARCH-2009]
Work on the
house is complete. Now, finally, I can get back to work on some
fun projects! I've been asked to help the Endor Bunker on a second
run of A281 Endor Commando Blaster kits, this time, the molds
will be made from 'good' quality silicone. I tried some cheaper
material, that was ok, but did not hold up well. As a result,
those molds were heavily damaged and can not be salvaged. I'll
be going back to my old, tried and true, PolyTec, PlasSil 71-20
for these new molds. In addition to the Endor Commando Blaster
kits, I'm also working in 1/6th scale. I'm recreating the 1970's
vintage GIjOE 6-wheel ATV. It will ultimately become a vacuum
formed part, but getting to the point where I can create the
negative mold, is taking me much longer than expected. I attended
a GIjOE convention in February, and met some really neat folks.
They have inspired me to see this project through.
In other news,
I've changed the registration process on the discussion board,
and we are slowly heading towards a new version of that forum
software. I'm also going to shut down the other web site. I just
can't afford to host two sites, and I now have enough server
space, to host both on this site. When my hosting plan runs out
in a few months, www.imperial-armor.com will be no more. So long,
I've also been
working on some other 'art' projects, that I hope I can share
soon. Top secret for now. And the fan film is still on board
for some live action shooting this Spring. Just as soon as we
get some foliage back. If we fail the get the needed shots this
Spring, then the future of that project will be in serious doubt.
I've also been busy with an AR project that I hope to finish
up soon, I will report the results as soon as I can.
Older News
[Update 21-NOVEMBER-2008]
Work on the
house is almost complete. We now have a new working bathroom!
I hope another hard weekend, and we will be done with the project.
This has me really far behind on other projects. One thing
has taken place with the fan film, and that is some new blood.
We hope to have a condensed script and finish the live action
filming this Spring. I hope so. This film project is taking way
longer than I ever thought it would. A special thanks to Herb for spear-heading this effort.
Here is a pic
of some of the gang at this year's Scare on the Square:

courtesy Greg Patterson
In other news,
www.TK560.com made it on AMC's 'Sci-fi Site of the Week'.
Yea. Here is a link: AMC
SOTW Blog.
Finally, I
have redone some things to better organize the catalog
Many of the items are now sold out, and unless demand for these
items returns, I won't be doing any more. I'm afraid economic
hard times have hit home, and most likley after the first of
the year, the items found on the catalog page will become a special
request only/ special order sort of deal only.
Older News
[Update 24-SEPT-2008]
Power has been
restored, and I'm finally able to catch up on some projects.
I'm working as fast as I can to catch up with everything. I should
have some images posted soon. I to try and finish up some work
on the house, not related to the storm this weekend, and return
to a more productive schedule then. I am planning a site rework,
nothing too drastic, but I need to clean-up this place a bit.
Older News
[Update 18-SEPT-2008]
Hurrican Ike
slammed the East Texas area on 13 September, 2008. We were lucky,
and only lost power, had one tree fall on the house, and only
one hole in the roof. You would think that some 200 miles inland,
we would not have hurricane events. This is the second one in
three years, the last one was Rita in 2005. We were out of electricity
for seven days then, and we are on day six now with the damage
thanks to Ike. I'll post some pics of the debris just as soon
as I can get some power at the house. Until then, I have to say,
that it's like camping, but in your home. The wife and kids are
taking it all well, and the neighborhood has banded to gether
for evening meals, trying to cook food that would spoil otherwise.
I'll get back to props and vacuum forming as soon as I can. For
anyone who has ordered from me recently, I'll get your orders
out as soon as I can.
and News
[Update 27-AUG-2008]
Wow! Just ,
wow. Has it really been nearly four months since my last update?
I guess it has. I've been really busy with non-prop or costume
related projects and I guess thats where my time has been spent.
I've started adding on to the house, and we re-did the driveway.
In the future, I hope to add a car port too! The Summer time
off has really gone by fast. I had wanted to get some filming
done, and spend the time working on some sixthscale projects,
but that did not happen. Well, the filming did not happen. I
guess thats the sad new. Much of the film crew that started on
this fan film have moved on to other interests, and that has
really slowed down the project. Maybe this Fall, some new folks
will get recruited, and we can continue on with the film project.
I've been having some issues with some of the art materials used
to cast parts with, specifically the urethane resin. I'm really
cutting back on dealing with that stuff. My skin just can't take
much exposure to it. So be careful if you are messing with that
stuff. My stockpile of spare E-11 parts is gone, and I only have
a handfull of kits left, and when these last few are gone, I
won't do anymore. I may have another option available, but I
don't want to give away my secrets just yet.
In the sixthscale
news, as many of you know I'm a big vintage GIjOE fan. The yellow
Adventure Team ATV has been a favorite of mine for many years,
and I've decided to bring that classic toy up to date, fix some
issues GIjOE fans had with the vintage ones, and offer some custom
parts. So stay tuned in the GIjOE section for updates on this
classic toy. It's going to be an adventure!

The final version after painting. Click image.
X-wing Pilot Chestbox
The X-wing
pilot chest box. Soon, I'll get the X-wing helmet sculpt going,
and then get started on the rest of the costume. If anyone
can help with the sewing on the vest, and conversion of the
flight suit, please let me know! email
I still
need to get the dishwasher drain hose, and the green military
strapping material. Left is the prototype with rocker switches,
on the image for a larger verison. Its kind of funny how this
thing is put together. The round 'greeblie' is actually a
notebook paper hole repair sticker, and the red dots on the
rocker switches are hole punches made with red paper.
The strapping
material is OD green from the Army/navy store, and snap fasteners
will be applied to hold this on to the wearer. The hose will
have to be attached both at the chest box, AND the flight
suit. Not sure how to do either end. Most likley, I will use
an 'elbow connector inside the chest box and mount that to
the back plate. Then cut a hoe in the base of the chestbox
and route the hose out the bottom. This will give a good sturdy
the large dial is actually a thumbwheel from an old Star Trek
phaser kit.
thanks to RPF memeber "Badger" for helping me with
this project.
visit the Catalog Page for
additional information. |

We are
working on some upgrades to these helmets, including see through
visors, a better helmet liner, and antannae. Stay tuned for
more details. Improved comm box, and chincup have already
been made.
Fleet Trooper Helmets [Limited Supply]
Vacuum formed versions of the RFT helmet,
straight from the fan film!
is a shot of the latest prop, the Rebel Fleet Trooper
helmet. Sometimes called 'Rebel Blockade Runner'.
This is based on a mold taken from an actual WWII US Navy
Mark II 'Talker' helmet, and 3 custom made vac-form molds.
The communication box, the rear swoop, and the chin cup.
If you want to know more, email
me. We made these for the fan film. Now, for a limited time,
you can get one. These were to be used in the fan film, but
due to budget over-runs, we can only have a limited the number
of Fleet Troopers. Here is your chance to get one of the extra
helmets from the production.
visit the Catalog Page
for additional information. |

Here is
a pic of the resin parts I have, and what they look like mounted
on a piece of PVC, primed and then finally painted: Click
on the picture for a larger view.
Blaster Parts Kit
[Limited Supply]
Resin versions of the hard to make blaster
original plan for the fan film was to have 20 troopers in
some large scale battles, much like that of the old WWII movies.
I started making the blasters for the 20 troopers, then a
production decision was made to reduce the number of trooper
by half. So, I am left with a bunch of these resin parts,
and if you need any let me know [email
me]. These were made to speed up the blaster
making for the fan film, and as a film prop, they do have
minor air bubbles, and flashing that need to be cleaned up.
An easy job for the scratch-built blaster project. These were
cast from a real L2A3 Sterling, M38 scope, and counter box.
[non-logo version]. Supplies are almost gone! Get them while
you can! I don't plan to make any more.
visit the Catalog Page
for more informaiton. |